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Natal; s.n; 17 mar. 2023. 126 p. ilus.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1532217


Introdução: Os cistos e tumores odontogênicos são lesões que apresentam comportamento biológico heterogêneo e patogênese ainda não totalmente esclarecida. A Yes-associated protein (YAP) atua como um regulador transcricional de genes envolvidos na proliferação celular e na apoptose, participando da ativação de vias associadas ao crescimento cístico e à progressão neoplásica. Objetivo: Analisar a expressão imuno-histoquímica da proteína YAP e correlacioná-la com marcadores envolvidos na proliferação celular e na apoptose em lesões odontogênicas epiteliais benignas. Metodologia: A amostra consistiu de 95 casos de lesões odontogênicas - 25 cistos dentígeros (CDs), 30 CO não sindrômicos (COs), 30 AMB convencionais (AMB-Cs) e 10 AMB unicísticos (AMB-Us) -, além de 10 espécimes de folículo dentários (FD). Foi realizada coleta dos dados clinico-demográficos dos casos, bem como análise morfológica para melhor caracterização da amostra. Os cortes histológicos foram submetidos à técnica imuno-histoquímica através da utilização dos anticorpos YAP, ciclina D1, Ki-67 e Bcl-2, e a análise da expressão destes foi realizada quali-quantitativamente, mediante metodologia adaptada. Os dados coletados seguiram para análise descritiva e estatística (p ≤ 0,05). Resultados: Houve discreta predileção por mulheres (n = 55; 57,6%) e por indivíduos na faixa etária dos 21 aos 40 anos (n = 50; 47,6%), sendo a região posterior de mandíbula mais afetada (64%). A análise da imunoexpressão de YAP revelou maiores níveis de expressão em COs, especialmente nas camadas basal e parabasal, seguido dos AMB-Us e AMB-Cs, que demonstraram moderada imunorreatividade, predominantemente nas células periféricas. Além disso, houve diferenças significativas quanto à imunoexpressão de YAP entre os grupos analisados, com existência de correlações positivas e estatisticamente significativas entre YAP e ciclina D1 em CDs e AMB-Us, e entre YAP e Ki-67 em AMB-Us (p < 0,05). Todavia, entre a imunoexpressão YAP e Bcl-2, foi verificada ausência de correlação estatisticamente significativa. Conclusões: A YAP pode exercer influência sobre a proliferação celular do epitélio de cistos e tumores odontogênicos, auxiliando, assim, na progressão das diferentes lesões odontogênicas (AU).

Background: Odontogenic cysts and tumors present heterogeneous biological behavior, and their etiopathogenesis is not fully understood yet. Yes-associated protein (YAP) acts as a transcriptional regulator of genes involved in cell proliferation and apoptosis, activating pathways associated with cystic growth and neoplastic progression. Objective: To analyze the immunohistochemical expression of YAP protein and correlate it with markers involved in cell proliferation and apoptosis in benign epithelial odontogenic lesions. Methods: The sample consisted of 95 cases of odontogenic lesions - 25 dentigerous cysts (DCs), 30 non-syndromic odontogenic keratocyst (OKCs), 30 conventional AMB (C-AMBs), and 10 unicystic AMB (UAMBs) -, in addition to 10 specimens of dental follicles (DF). Clinicodemographic data collection was carried out, as well as morphological analysis for better characterization of the sample. The histological sections were submitted to the immunohistochemical technique using YAP, cyclin D1, Ki-67, and Bcl-2 antibodies, and their immunoexpression analysis was performed qualitatively and quantitatively, through an adapted methodology. The collected data were submitted for descriptive and statistical analysis (p ≤ 0.05). Results: There was a slight predilection for women (n = 55; 57.6%) and individuals aged between 21 and 40 years (n = 50; 47.6%), with the posterior region of the mandible as the most affected site (64%). Analysis of YAP immunoexpression revealed higher expression levels in OKCs, especially in the basal and parabasal layers, followed by U-AMBs and C-AMBs, which showed moderate immunoreactivity, predominantly in peripheral cells. In addition, there were significant differences in YAP immunoexpression between the analyzed groups, with positive and statistically significant correlations between YAP and cyclin D1 in DCs and U-AMBs, and between YAP and Ki-67 in U-AMBs (p < 0.05). However, between YAP and Bcl-2 immunoexpression, there was no statistically significant correlation. Conclusions: YAP may influence on the cell proliferation of odontogenic cysts and tumors epithelium, thus helping with the progression of the different odontogenic lesions (AU) .

Cell Proliferation , YAP-Signaling Proteins/metabolism , Transcriptional Coactivator with PDZ-Binding Motif Proteins/metabolism , Dentigerous Cyst/pathology , Biomarkers, Tumor , Medical Records , Retrospective Studies , Data Interpretation, Statistical , Apoptosis , Odontogenic Cyst, Calcifying/pathology , Statistics, Nonparametric , Inhibitor of Differentiation Proteins , Observational Study , Morphological and Microscopic Findings
Autops. Case Rep ; 11: e2021302, 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1285416


Squamous odontogenic tumor (SOT) is a rare benign neoplasm of the jaw that likely arises from remnants of the dental lamina. It is a slow-growing lesion, with a radiolucent appearance in the central variant. Microscopically, SOT shows islands of squamous epithelium supported by fibrous stroma. In rare cases, squamous odontogenic tumor-like proliferation (SOT-LP) can be observed arising from odontogenic cysts (SOT-LPOC). Herein, we describe the case of a 42-year-old man who presented with discreet bleeding in the maxillary gingiva. Imaging revealed a well-defined, ovoid-shaped lesion with sclerotic margins involving tooth #18 in the intraosseous location. Fine needle aspiration supported the cystic nature of the lesion. After surgery, microscopy revealed a dentigerous cyst showing SOT-LP features. There was no recurrence after a 3-year follow-up. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of a dentigerous cyst showing SOT-LP features in the maxilla. Such cysts should be identified to avoid misdiagnosis, with the finding having therapeutic and prognostic implications.

Humans , Male , Adult , Dentigerous Cyst/pathology , Jaw Neoplasms/pathology , Odontogenic Tumor, Squamous/pathology
Rev. cuba. estomatol ; 57(2): e2448, abr.-jun. 2020. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1126509


RESUMEN Introducción: La malignización de quiste dentígero a carcinoma intraóseo primario es infrecuente, poco documentada en la literatura. Corresponde del el 1 por ciento al 2,5 por ciento del total de tumores odontogénicos y es exclusiva de los huesos maxilares. Más común en hombres sobre 50 años de edad. Las características clínicas se asocian a edema, movilidad de piezas dentarias, parestesia, y la mayoría ocurre en ausencia de dolor, características que hacen difícil su diagnóstico y presentan un desafío para los patólogos. Objetivo: Revisar la prevalencia de carcinoma intraóseo primario derivados de quiste dentígero en los últimos 15 años publicados en PubMed Métodos: Se realizó una revisión de la literatura en un periodo que considera los últimos 15 años. Se consultó la base de datos PubMed utilizando los términos: "dentigerous cyst prevalence", "primary intraosseous squamous cell carcinoma", "dentigerous primary intraosseous squamous cell carcinoma". Se incluyeron artículos en inglés y español. De los 217 artículos, se suscribió a 39 para hacer el cruce de datos. Análisis e integración de los resultados: Para reconocer una enfermedad tan agresiva como el carcinoma intraóseo primario derivado de quiste dentígero hay que estudiar sus características clínicas, radiográficas y sintomatología. Su íntima relación con el quiste dentígero, el cual es el más prevalente de los quistes del desarrollo hace fundamental el profundo conocimiento de ambos. El carcinoma intraóseo primario se presenta como un desafío para los clínicos por su baja sintomatología y pobre sobrevida, con un total de 44 823 quistes odontogénicos estudiados, 9806 se diagnosticaron como quistes dentígeros, y 22 se malignizaron a carcinoma intraóseo primario, para un 0,32 por ciento del total. Conclusiones: La malignización de quiste dentígero a carcinoma intraóseo primario tiene una baja incidencia, pero se presenta silente haciendo difícil su diagnóstico precoz. Se recomienda biopsia de protocolo para cada caso de quiste dentígero y así evitar la baja sobrevida que produce el carcinoma intraóseo primario(AU)

ABSTRACT Introduction: Malignancy of dentigerous cyst into primary intraosseous carcinoma is infrequent and scantily documented in the literature. It represents 1 percent to 2.5 percent of the total odontogenic tumors and is exclusive of maxillary bones. It is more common among men aged around 50 years. Its clinical characteristics are edema, tooth mobility and paresthesia, and in most cases an absence of pain. These features hamper its diagnosis and pose a challenge to pathologists. Objective: Review the prevalence of primary intraosseous carcinoma derived from dentigerous cysts as published in PubMed in the last 15 years. Methods: A literature review was conducted of papers published in the last 15 years. The database PubMed was consulted using the following search terms: "dentigerous cyst prevalence", "primary intraosseous squamous cell carcinoma", "dentigerous primary intraosseous squamous cell carcinoma". The papers included were in English or Spanish. Of the 217 papers obtained, 39 were selected for data crossing. Data analysis and integration: Recognition of a condition as aggressive as primary intraosseous carcinoma derived from a dentigerous cyst requires examination of its clinical and radiographic characteristics as well as its symptoms. Its close relationship to dentigerous cyst, the most prevalent of developmental cysts, makes it necessary to gain an accurate and deep understanding of both. Primary intraosseous carcinoma poses a challenge to clinicians due to its low symptomatology and poor survival. Of the total 44 823 odontogenic cysts studied, 9 806 were diagnosed as dentigerous cysts and 22 maligned into primary intraosseous carcinoma, for 0.32 percent of the total. Conclusions: Malignation of a dentigerous cyst into primary intraosseous carcinoma has a low incidence and a silent presentation, which hampers its early diagnosis. Protocol biopsy is recommended for each case of dentigerous cyst to prevent the poor survival caused by primary intraosseous carcinoma(AU)

Humans , Dentigerous Cyst/pathology , Odontogenic Cysts/epidemiology , Odontogenic Tumors/epidemiology , Early Diagnosis , Survival , Review Literature as Topic , Databases, Bibliographic
Rev. cuba. estomatol ; 55(3): 1-8, jul.-set. 2018. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-991071


Introducción: la erupción es un proceso complejo y, debido a esto pueden aparecer fallas en él. Objetivo: presentar un caso clínico de un quiste dentígero en un tercer molar mandibular invertido. Caso clínico: paciente masculino de 36 años de edad, quien refiere haber asistido a una clínica estomatológica por molestias en la región mandibular derecha y que al realizársele una ortopantomografía, se detecta la presencia del 48 retenido, por lo que es remitido. Al examen físico bucal se detecta ausencia clínica del 48 con expansión de la tabla vertibular en la zona. Al observarse la ortopantomografía se aprecia en la zona de molares derechos reabsorción radicular en el 47, con 48 en posición invertida y una imagen radiolúcida de límites bien definidos en relación con la corona del 48. Se realiza, bajo anestesia local, la exéresis del 47, 48 y la lesión responsable de la imagen radiolúcida mandibular mediante curetaje. Se indica el estudio histopatológico de la lesión, que indica la presencia de un quiste dentígero. El paciente mostró buena evolución posoperatoria. Conclusiones: lo inusual de la presencia de un quiste dentígero, como complicación de la retención dentaria, en un tercer molar mandibular invertido, permitió valerse de los beneficios de estudios imaginológicos digitales y del método clínico para crear un plan de tratamiento que desencadenó en la exéresis exitosa, sin complicaciones transoperatorias, de los dientes y la lesión asociada(AU)

Introduction: tooth eruption is a complex process and due to this complexity flaws may appear in it. Objective: present a clinical case of a dentigerous cyst in an inverted mandibular third molar. Clinical case: a male 36-year-old patient reports having visited a dental clinic for discomfort in the right mandibular region. Orthopantomography was indicated which revealed that tooth 48 was retained; the patient was therefore referred. Clinical oral examination detected the absence of tooth 48 and an expanded vestibular table in the area. The orthopantomograph showed root resorption of tooth 47 in the area of the right molars, with 48 in an inverted position and a radiolucent image of clear-cut boundaries in relation to the crown of 48. Exeresis of 47 and 48 was performed under local anesthesia, and the lesion responsible for the mandibular radiolucent image was removed by curettage. Histopathological examination of the lesion was indicated, revealing the presence of a dentigerous cyst. Postoperative evolution was satisfactory. Conclusions: the infrequent presence of a dentigerous cyst as a complication of dental retention in an inverted mandibular third molar prompted the use of the benefits offered by digital imaging studies and the clinical method to develop a treatment plan leading to successful exeresis of the teeth involved and the associated lesion, without any perioperative complications(AU)

Humans , Male , Adult , Tooth, Unerupted/diagnostic imaging , Radiography, Panoramic/methods , Dentigerous Cyst/pathology , Mandibular Injuries/surgery
J. oral res. (Impresa) ; 7(4): 145-149, abr. 27, 2018. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1120822


Hybrid lesions of the oral cavity are infrequent and share characteristics with a number of other pathologies. both odontomas and dentigerous cysts are of odontogenic origin, but their simultaneous occurrence is rare and scarce. clinical and radiographic examinations are not conclusive, making their identification difficult, while histopathological studies can reveal their defining characteristics. the aim of this report was to describe the radiographic and histomorphological findings of a hybrid lesion formed by a complex odontoma and a dentigerous cyst, affecting the mandible of a 22-year-old man, from Cartagena, Colombia, who had no relevant medical history, and no symptoms or discomfort in the affected area.

Humans , Male , Adult , Dentigerous Cyst/surgery , Dentigerous Cyst/diagnostic imaging , Mandibular Neoplasms/diagnostic imaging , Odontogenic Tumors/diagnostic imaging , Odontoma/diagnostic imaging , Dentigerous Cyst/pathology , Mandibular Neoplasms/pathology , Odontogenic Tumors/surgery , Odontogenic Tumors/pathology , Odontoma/surgery , Odontoma/pathology
Rev. habanera cienc. méd ; 16(4): 604-611, jul.-ago. 2017. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-901753


Introducción: El quiste dentígero o folicular es un quiste odontogénico desarrollado frecuentemente en relación con la corona de dientes no erupcionados, con mayor porcentaje de incidencia en terceros molares inferiores. Su gran potencial de crecimiento conduce a asimetrías, parestesia, desplazamiento dentario y hasta transformación neoplásica. Por este motivo, la actitud terapéutica ante el mismo reviste singular importancia. Objetivo: Mostrar el tratamiento por enucleación, en un solo tiempo quirúrgico, con evolución favorable, de un quiste dentígero mandibular de grandes proporciones y con elevado riesgo de fractura mandibular. Presentación del caso: Paciente masculino de 45 años, que acude al Servicio de Cirugía Maxilofacial por aumento de volumen en la región mandibular izquierda; en radiografía panorámica presentaba área radiolúcida unilocular de gran tamaño, que comprometía cuerpo mandibular desde el 33 hasta alcanzar 2/3 de la rama ascendente, asociada a tercer molar retenido desplazado hacia el borde inferior mandibular. Existía además reabsorción de las raíces del 34 y 35. El paciente fue tratado en un solo tiempo quirúrgico con extracciones de dientes afectados, bloqueo intermaxilar previa colocación de férulas Gunning y enucleación del quiste por abordaje cervical, conjuntamente con exéresis del diente asociado. El diagnóstico histopatológico arrojó quiste dentígero. El paciente no sufrió complicaciones y tuvo evolución favorable. Conclusiones: Los quistes dentígeros de no ser diagnosticados a tiempo, pueden ocasionar serias alteraciones. La enucleación en un mismo tiempo quirúrgico, resulta de elección como tratamiento para garantizar la no recurrencia, siempre que se adopten todas las medidas que eviten complicaciones trans y postquirúrgicas(AU)

Introduction: The dentigerous or follicular cyst is an odontogenic cyst that frequently develops in relation to a not erupted tooth crown, with a greater percentage of incidence in the lower third molars. Its great potential growth leads to asymmetries, paresthesia, dental displacement, and even neoplastic transformation. For this reason, the therapeutic behavior with regard to this problem is of great importance. Objective: To show the treatment by enucleation of a mandibular dentigerous cyst of great proportions and elevated risk of mandibular fracture, followed in a single surgical time with a favorable evolution. Case presentation: 45 years old male patient that came to Service of Maxillofacial Surgery presenting an increase in the volume of the left mandibular zone; the panoramic radiography showed an unilocular radiolucent area of a great size, which compromised the mandibular body from tooth 33 up to reaching 2/3 of the ascending branch, associated to a retained third molar displaced to the lower mandibular edge. There was reabsorption of the roots of the 34 and 35 teeth, too. The patient was treated in a single surgical time with removals of the affected teeth, intermaxillary blocking with previous placement of Gunning splints, cyst enucleation by cervical approach, and exerecis of the associated tooth. The histopathological diagnosis showed a dentigerous cyst. The patient presented no complications, and had a favorable evolution. Conclusions: The dentigerous cysts can cause serious alterations when they are not diagnosed on time. The enucleation in a single surgical time is considered an election treatment to guarantee non-recurrence, whether all measures are taken to avoid trans and post-surgical complications(AU)

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Dentigerous Cyst/surgery , Dentigerous Cyst/pathology
Rev. Asoc. Odontol. Argent ; 101(4): 146-149, dic. 2013. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-702202


Presentar un caso de quiste dentígero que invade el seno maxilar asociado a un tercer y cuarto molares ectópicos. Caso clínico: se presenta un caso de quiste dentígero de gran tamaño que invade el seno maxilar en su totalidad, asociado a tercer y cuarto molares, en una paciente de sexo femenino de 14 años. Se realizó la exéresis completa de la lesión mediante un abordaje de Cadwell-Luc. Conclusión: es de suma importancia el diagnóstico temprano de estas patologías a través de un correcto examen clínico y radiológico. En quistes de gran tamaño y de evlución rápida, como es el caso presentado, debemos considerar la posibilidad de una transformación ameloblástica o carcinomatosa en la pared quística. Por esta razón, tendremos que elegir un tratamiento que nos asegurela extirpación total de la lesión y su posterior análisis histopatológico para determinar la conducta por seguir.

Humans , Adolescent , Female , Dentigerous Cyst , Maxillary Sinus , Molar, Third , Tooth, Impacted , Tooth, Supernumerary , Tooth, Impacted/therapy , Tooth, Supernumerary/diagnosis , Dentigerous Cyst/pathology , Dentigerous Cyst/therapy , Radiography, Panoramic , Maxillary Sinus/abnormalities
Arch. oral res. (Impr.) ; 9(1): 105-1093, Jan.-Apr. 2013. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-754511


One of the most common types of developmental odontogenic cyst is the dentigerous cyst. It encloses the crown of the tooth and is attached at the cementoenamel junction. Although its association with mandibular molars is common, it is rarely associated with the maxillary central incisors. Discussion: The present case report describes an unusual occurrence of dentigerous cyst associated with the impacted permanent maxillary central incisor in an inverted position and showing dilaceration of the root. The cyst was enucleated along with the extraction of the impacted tooth. We have discussed clinical presentation, radiographic features and treatment modalities of this uncommon and rare presentation of this lesion. Conclusion: Trauma to the deciduous teeth should not be overlooked, since it can result in the development of a pathology which could indirectly affect the permanent successors...

Um dos tipos mais comuns de cisto odontogênico de desenvolvimento é o cisto dentígero. Ele inclui a coroa do dente e está conectado à junção cemento-esmalte. Apesar de sua associação com molares inferiores ser comum, ele raramente está associado com incisivos centrais superiores. Discussão: O presente relato descreve um caso raro de cisto dentígero associado ao incisivo central superior permanente impactado em uma posição invertida, apresentando dilaceração da raiz. O cisto foi enucleado durante a extração do dente afetado. Foram discutidas a apresentação clínica, as características radiográficas e as modalidades de tratamento desta apresentação incomum e rara de lesão. Conclusão: O trauma em dentes decíduos não deve ser negligenciado,pois pode resultar no desenvolvimento de uma patologia que pode afetar indiretamente os sucessores permanentes...

Humans , Male , Child , Dentigerous Cyst/pathology , Tooth, Impacted/pathology , Incisor/abnormalities , Incisor/pathology , Dentigerous Cyst , Tooth, Impacted , Tooth Eruption, Ectopic/pathology , Tooth Eruption, Ectopic , Incisor/pathology
Braz. j. oral sci ; 12(1): 52-56, jan.-mar. 2013. ilus
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: lil-671933


The purpose of this paper is to present two cases of dentigerous cyst associated to permanent teeth in children treated by conservative techniques. Dentigerous cyst is the most common developmental cysts of the jaws. Conservative treatment is very effective to this entity and aims at eliminating the cystic tissue and preserving the permanent tooth involved in the pathology. Two techniques are described as conservative treatment for these cysts, marsupialization and the decompression. Two children presented with dentigerous cysts. A female child was affected by a large lesion at the right side of the mandible associated to tooth 45. The other lesion arose at the left maxilla associated to tooth 21 of a male child. Each dentigerous cyst promoted severe tooth displacement. The first patient was treated with decompression and the second with marsupialization.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Dentigerous Cyst/pathology , Decompression, Surgical/methods
Full dent. sci ; 4(14): 269-275, jan.-mar. 2013. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: lil-681701


Cisto dentígero é uma entidade patológica composta por uma cavidade preenchida por material líquido e envolto por epitélio estratificado escamoso não-ceratinizado, que cresce continuamente por pressão osmótica durante um extenso período de tempo. O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar o tratamento conservador de 3 casos clínicos, cujos pacientes pediátricos acometidos por lesões císticas, foram tratados pela descompressão da lesão e posterior tracionamento ortodôntico, o que permitiu a manutenção do elemento viável acometido. O caso 1 apresentava lesão na maxila e somente os casos 2 e 3, na mandíbula, todos associados a inclusão de elementos permanentes viáveis. Em ambos, realizou-se biópsia incisional, cujo resultado foi compatível com cisto dentígero. O tratamento realizado nos 3 casos foi a fenestração da cápsula cística e manutenção do elemento associado a lesão. Por mais que o diagnóstico do caso 3 tenha apontado ceratocisto, a marsupialização possibilitou a regressão da lesão, manutenção dos elementos viáveis e neoformação óssea, que vem sendo monitorada desde então. Conclui-se, dessa forma, que nos casos apresentados, o tratamento conservador, mediante a descompressão da cápsula cística, mostrou-se eficaz e trouxe como vantagens a possibilidade de manutenção da viabilidade do elemento acometido, devido a sua importância estética e oclusal

Dentigerous cyst is a pathological entity composed of a cavity filled with liquid material and surrounded by non-keratinized stratified squamous epithelium that grows continuously by osmotic pressure over an extended period of time. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the conservative treatment of 3 clinical cases of pediatric patients which had cystic lesions and that were treated by the decompression of the lesion and subsequent orthodontic traction, which allowed the maintenance of the viable element involved. Case 1 had a lesion in maxilla and cases 2 and 3, in the mandible, all associated with permanent and viable teeth. In both cases, an incisional biopsy was performed, and results were compatible with dentigerous cyst. The treatment performed on the 3 cases was the fenestration of the cystic capsule and the maintenance of the element associated with the lesion. Even though the diagnosis of the case 3 pointed keratocyst, the marsupialization has allowed the regression of the lesion and the maintenance of the viable teeth, as well as new bone formation, which are all being monitored since then. It was concluded that conservative treatment for dentigerous cyst, by decompression of the cystic capsule, was effective and as an advantage offers the possibility of maintaining the viability of the affected component, due to its aesthetic and occlusal importance

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Biopsy/methods , Dentigerous Cyst/pathology , Decompression/methods , Esthetics , Radiography, Dental/methods , Radiography, Dental , Recurrence
J. appl. oral sci ; 20(2): 268-271, Mar.-Apr. 2012. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-626433


Dentigerous cyst (DC) is one of the most common odontogenic cysts of the jaws and rarely recurs. On the other hand, keratocystic odontogenic tumor (KCOT), formerly known as odontogenic keratocyst (OKC), is considered a benign unicystic or multicystic intraosseous neoplasm and one of the most aggressive odontogenic lesions presenting relatively high recurrence rate and a tendency to invade adjacent tissue. Two cases of these odontogenic lesions occurring in children are presented. They were very similar in clinical and radiographic characteristics, and both were treated by marsupialization. The treatment was chosen in order to preserve the associated permanent teeth with complementary orthodontic treatment to direct eruption of the associated permanent teeth. At 7-years of follow-up, none of the cases showed recurrence.

Child , Female , Humans , Male , Dentigerous Cyst/surgery , Odontogenic Tumors/surgery , Biopsy , Dentigerous Cyst/pathology , Dentigerous Cyst , Follow-Up Studies , Odontogenic Tumors/pathology , Odontogenic Tumors , Radiography, Panoramic , Treatment Outcome
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-141246


In dental practice, impacted third molar teeth are a common finding. The dentists usually remove them if they are associated with some radiographic finding suggestive of a cyst or a tumor or if they cause pain or resorption of the adjacent teeth. It has been found that, in many cases, even the radiographically and clinically asymptomatic impacted mandibular third molars are associated with some pathology. This paper brings into the light two cases with clinically and radiographically normal impacted third molar teeth associated with dentigerous cyst, thus highlighting that the radiographic appearance is not a reliable indicator of the absence or presence of pathology associated with the impacted third molars.

Adult , Biopsy , Collagen , Connective Tissue/pathology , Dentigerous Cyst/pathology , Dentigerous Cyst/diagnostic imaging , Diagnosis, Differential , Epithelium/pathology , Female , Humans , Mandible/diagnostic imaging , Mandibular Diseases/pathology , Mandibular Diseases/diagnostic imaging , Molar, Third/diagnostic imaging , Radiography, Panoramic , Tooth, Impacted/diagnostic imaging , Young Adult
Braz. dent. j ; 23(4): 337-343, 2012. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-658007


The aim of this study was to assess the immunohistochemical expression of p63 protein, epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) and Notch-1 in the epithelial lining of radicular cysts (RC), dentigerous cysts (DC) and keratocystic odontogenic tumors (KOT). For this study, 35 RC, 22 DC and 17 KOT were used. The clinical and epidemiological data were collected from the patient charts filed in the Oral Pathology Laboratory, University of Ribeirão Preto, Brazil. Immunohistochemical reactions against the p63, EGFR and Notch-1 were performed in 3-µm-thick histological sections. The slides were evaluated according to the following criteria: negative: <5% of positive cells, low expression: 5-50% of positive cells, and high expression: >50% of positive cells. Moreover, the intensity of EGFR and Notch-1 expressions was also evaluated. Fisher's exact test and Spearman's correlation coefficients were used for statistical analysis, considering a significance level of 5%. Almost all cases demonstrated p63, EGFR and Notch-1 expressions. The p63 expression was significantly higher in KOT (p<0.001). Positive correlation between these immunomarkers was observed. These findings suggest the participation of p63, EGFR and Notch-1 in the development, maintenance and integrity of cystic odontogenic epithelial lining, favoring lesion persistence. The high expression of p63 in KOT suggests that it may be related to their more aggressive biological behavior and marked tendency to recurrence.

O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a expressão imunoistoquímica da proteína p63, receptor do fator de crescimento epidérmico (EGFR) e Notch-1 no revestimento epitelial de cistos radiculares (CR), cistos dentígeros (CD) e tumores odontogênicos queratocísticos (TOQ). Para este estudo, 35 CR, 22 CD e 17 TOQ foram utilizados. Os dados clínicos e epidemiológicos foram coletados das fichas dos pacientes arquivadas no Laboratório de Patologia Oral, Universidade de Ribeirão Preto, Brasil. Reações imunoistoquímicas contra p63, EGFR e Notch-1 foram realizadas em cortes histológicos de 3 µm. As lâminas foram avaliadas de acordo com os seguintes critérios: negativo <5% das células positivas, baixa expressão - 5%-50% das células positivas e alta expressão >50% das células positivas. Além disso, a intensidade de expressão de EGFR e Notch-1 foi também avaliada. Teste exato de Fisher e coeficiente de correlação de Spearman foram usados para análise estatística, considerando um nível de significância de 5%. Quase todos os casos demonstraram expressão de p63, EGFR e Notch-1. A expressão de p63 foi significativamente maior nos TOQ (p<0.001). Correlação positiva entre os imunomarcadores foi observada. Esses achados sugerem a participação de p63, EGFR e Notch-1 no desenvolvimento, manutenção e integridade do revestimento epitelial cístico, favorecendo a persistência das lesões. A alta expressão de p63 no TOQ sugere que ela pode estar relacionada ao comportamento biológico mais agressivo e marcada tendência a recorrência.

Humans , Dentigerous Cyst/pathology , Odontogenic Tumors/pathology , Radicular Cyst/pathology , ErbB Receptors/analysis , Receptor, Notch1/analysis , Transcription Factors/analysis , Tumor Suppressor Proteins/analysis , Biomarkers/analysis , Cell Membrane/pathology , Cell Nucleus/pathology , Cytoplasm/pathology , Epithelial Cells/pathology , Epithelium/pathology , Fluorescent Dyes , Hyperplasia , Immunohistochemistry , Neoplasm Recurrence, Local/pathology , Retrospective Studies , Biomarkers, Tumor/analysis
Rev. Círc. Argent. Odontol ; 68(212): 16-20, sept. 2011. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-626220


Se presenta el caso clínico de una paciente de sexo femenino, la cual acude al Servicio de Cirugía Bucomaxilofacial de la Escuela de Odontología de la Universidad Argentina John F. Kennedy por una imagen radiográfica del lado derecho del maxilar inferior de. Intrabucalmente presentaba expansión de la tabla vestibular. Radiográficamente se observa una imagen radiolúcida del lado derecho del maxilar inferior que contiene el tercer molar inferior derecho. Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica de esta entidad patológica, sus características clínicas, radiográficas, histopatológicas y tratamiento.

Humans , Female , Aged , Dentigerous Cyst/surgery , Dentigerous Cyst/diagnosis , Dentigerous Cyst/pathology , Argentina , Schools, Dental , Mandible , Dentigerous Cyst/epidemiology , Dentigerous Cyst/etiology , Dentigerous Cyst
Indian J Cancer ; 2011 Apr-Jun; 48(2): 211-215
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-144454


Objectives: The present study was undertaken to detect and compare the pattern of collagen fibers in odontogenic cysts and also to find out if this methodology could be used to predict the aggressive nature of odontogenic cysts by comparing with the odontogenic tumors. Materials and Methods: The collagen in the wall of 11 odontogenic keratocysts, 14 dentigerous cysts and 14 radicular cysts was studied histochemically by staining sections with picrosirius red and examining under polarizing microscope. This was compared to 10 cases of odontogenic tumors using Z test of proportion at 1% and 5%. Results: In dentigerous cysts, odontogenic keratocysts and odontogenic tumors, the predominant color of collagen fibers birefringence was found to be orangish red, whereas in radicular cysts the collagen fiber was of green color. Conclusions: Similar birefringence pattern of collagen fibers between dentigerous cysts, odontogenic keratocysts and odontogenic tumors may indicate that these lesions have a common histogenesis with a broad spectrum of biological behavior and belong to the same group, i.e., are developmental in origin. Different patterns of radicular cysts suggest different biological behavior and a positive role of inflammation on polarization color of collagen fibers.

Ameloblastoma/pathology , Azo Compounds/diagnosis , Collagen/metabolism , Coloring Agents/diagnosis , Dentigerous Cyst/pathology , Humans , Microscopy, Polarization , Odontogenic Cysts/pathology , Odontogenic Tumors/pathology , Prognosis , Radicular Cyst/pathology , Stromal Cells/pathology
Braz. dent. j ; 22(3): 223-229, 2011. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-595645


The aim of this study was to assess the immunohistochemical expression of syndecan-1 (CD138) and Ki-67 in radicular cysts (RC), dentigerous cysts (DC) and keratocystic odontogenic tumors (KOT). Thirty-five RC, 22 DC and 17 KOT were used in the study and immunohistochemical reactions using anti-syndecan-1 and anti-Ki-67 antibodies were performed by the streptavidin-biotin-peroxidase method. Fisher's exact test and Spearman's correlation coefficient were used for statistical analysis of data. Among the studied lesions, no differences in the syndecan-1 expression were observed, but the suprabasal expression of Ki-67 was significantly higher in KOT (p<0.0001), when compared with RC and DC. In RC, there was positive correlation between the expression (p=0.02) and intensity (p=0.0001) of syndecan-1 and between the intensity of syndecan-1 and Ki-67 expression (p=0.01). In the KOT, Ki-67 expression in the suprabasal layer correlated positively with the expression (p=0.01) and intensity (p=0.01) of syndecan-1. The expression of syndecan-1 does not seem to be a determinant factor of the distinct histopathological features and biological behavior of the studied lesions. Nevertheless, positive correlation between syndecan-1 and a cell proliferation marker was observed in RC and KOT.

O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a expressão imunoistoquímica de syndecan-1 (CD138) e Ki-67 em cistos radiculares (CR), cistos dentígeros (CD) e tumores odontogênicos queratocísticos (TOQ). Trinta e cinco CR, 22 CD e 17 TOQ foram utilizados no estudo e as reações imunoistoquímicas usando os anticorpos anti-syndecan-1 e anti-Ki-67 foram realizadas pelo método estreptavidina-biotina-peroxidase. Para análise estatística, o teste exato de Fisher e o coeficiente de correlação de Spearman foram utilizados. Entre as lesões estudadas, não foram observadas diferenças na expressão de syndecan-1, mas a expressão suprabasal de Ki-67 foi significativamente maior nos TOQ (p<0,0001), quando comparado aos CR e CD. No CR, havia correlação positiva entre a expressão (p=0,02) e intensidade (p=0,0001) de syndecan-1 e entre a intensidade de syndecan-1 e expressão de Ki-67 (p=0,01). No TOQ, a expressão de Ki-67 na camada suprabasal correlacionou positivamente com a expressão (p=0,01) e intensidade de expressão (p=0,01) de syndecan-1. A expressão de syndecan-1 não parece ser um fator determinante das características histopatológicas distintas e do comportamento biológico das lesões estudadas. Entretanto, correlação positiva entre syndecan-1 e um marcador de proliferação celular foi evidenciado em CR e TOQ.

Adolescent , Adult , Aged , Child , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Young Adult , /analysis , Odontogenic Cysts/pathology , Odontogenic Tumors/pathology , Syndecan-1/analysis , Antibodies , Cell Proliferation , Dentigerous Cyst/pathology , Epithelial Cells/pathology , Epithelium/pathology , Immunoenzyme Techniques , Immunohistochemistry , Mandibular Diseases/pathology , Mandibular Neoplasms/pathology , Maxillary Diseases/pathology , Retrospective Studies , Radicular Cyst/pathology
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: lil-655282


Objetivo: Analisar retrospectivamente a manifestação clínicaepidemiológica de cistos dentígeros num período de 18 anos. Método: Foi realizado um estudo retrospectivo na base de dados de 5.200 laudos no setor de Patologia Oral e Maxilofacial e Centro de Pesquisa Clínica em Cirurgia e Traumatologia Buco-Maxilo-Facial da Faculdade de Odontologia, da Universidade de Pernambuco û FOP/UPE, no período de janeiro de 1992 a janeiro de 2010, sendo selecionados 192 casos diagnosticados como cisto dentígero. As variáveis analisadas foram: gênero, etnia, faixa etária, associação a sintomatologia, localização anatômica, tamanho da lesão e biópsia realização. Para estudo estatístico foi utilizado o software SPSS (v. 17.0), com o qual foi aplicado o teste Qui-quadrado. O valor de p, quando menor que 0,05, foi considerado estatisticamente significante. Resultados: Na amostra estudada, o gênero masculino mostrou-se duas vezes mais acometido que o gênero feminino (2:1), havendo predominância em indivíduos caucasianos (56,7%), na segunda década de vida (42,4%). Em 80% dos casos a lesão apresentava-se assintomática, mostrando uma leve predileção pela mandíbula (56,5%), não sendo estatisticamente significante. Quando analisado o tamanho das lesões, 84,8% dos casos mostraram não exceder 4 cm em seu maior diâmetro, sendo a biópsia excisional, em sua maioria (67,4%), o tipo de intervenção realizada, revelando ser significante estatisticamente, nos casos de lesões com dimensões maiores de 4 cm. Conclusão: Na amostra estudada, esta entidade mostrou-se maior manifestação no gênero masculino, caucasianos, jovens, assintomáticos, com lesões de pequena extensão, com leve predileção pela mandíbula, sendo a biópsia excisional a intervenção de escolha

Objective: To evaluate the clinical and epidemiological of dentigerous cysts in a period of 18 years. Method: We conducted a retrospective study in the database of 5200 reports in the field of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology and Center for Clinical Research in Surgery and Traumatology Buco-Maxillo-Facial Surgery, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Pernambuco - FOP / UPE, the From January 1992 to January 2010, and selected 192 cases diagnosed as dentigerous cyst. The variables analyzed were: gender, ethnicity, age, associated symptoms, anatomical location, lesion size and biopsy performance. For statistical analysis we used SPSS (v. 17.0), with which we applied the chi-square. The value of p, when less than 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: In this sample, the males showed two times more affected than females (2:1), with predominance in Caucasians (56.7%) in the second decade of life (42.4%). In 80% of cases the lesion was asymptomatic, showing a slight predilection for the mandible (56.5%), not statistically significant. When assessing the size of the lesions, 84.8% of cases showed no greater than 4 cm in its largest diameter, and the biopsy, the majority (67.4%), the type of intervention performed, proving to be statistically significant in cases of lesions with dimensions larger than 4 cm. Conclusions:. In this sample, this entity was higher expression in males, Caucasians, young, asymptomatic lesions of small extent, with a slight predilection for the mandible, excision biopsy intervention of choice

Dentigerous Cyst/diagnosis , Dentigerous Cyst/pathology , Dentigerous Cyst , Diagnosis, Oral/methods , Retrospective Studies , Pathology, Oral , Age and Sex Distribution , Ethnic Distribution
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-139887


Background: The incidence of impacted or embedded third molars accounts for approximately 98%. Since 1948, there are studies reporting pathological changes in an asymptomatic dental follicle. Controversy still exists for removal of asmptomatic impacted teeth. Hence, this study was performed to histologically evaluate soft tissue pathosis in the pericoronal tissues of impacted third molars with pericoronal radiolucency measuring up to 2.5 mm on orthopantomographs. Materials and Methods: Forty-one asymptomatic impacted third molars with follicular space of up to 2.5 mm on radiographs were included. The disimpacted teeth and the follicular tissues were obtained for histological examination. Results: Age of the patients ranged from 14 to 25 years. Of 41 tissues evaluated, histopathological reports of 18 follicles were suggestive of dentigerous cyst, two follicles showed odontogenic keratocyst, one follicle each of calcifying epithelial odontogenic cyst, ameloblastoma-like proliferation, odontogenic myxoma and odontogenic fibroma. Conclusion: This study showed 58.5% of asymptomatic cases with definite pathological changes. Hence, thorough clinical and radiographic examination should be carried out for all impacted third molars and the dental follicular tissue should be submitted for histopathological evaluation.

Adolescent , Adult , Ameloblastoma/pathology , Asymptomatic Diseases , Dental Enamel/pathology , Dental Sac/pathology , Dentigerous Cyst/pathology , Epithelium/pathology , Female , Gingiva/pathology , Gingiva/diagnostic imaging , Gingival Diseases/pathology , Humans , Male , Mandibular Neoplasms/pathology , Maxillary Neoplasms/pathology , Molar, Third/diagnostic imaging , Odontogenic Cyst, Calcifying/pathology , Odontogenic Cysts/pathology , Odontogenic Tumors/pathology , Prospective Studies , Radiography, Panoramic , Tooth, Impacted/diagnostic imaging , Young Adult
Mediciego ; 15(supl.2)oct. 2009.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-547949


El quiste dentígero es una variedad quística de los maxilares que requiere de un diagnóstico temprano por la potencialidad que tiene de evolucionar hacia una patología tumoral y provocar deformidad facial. Se presenta el caso de un niño de 12 años de edad que acude a la consulta de cirugía máxilofacial por presentar un aumento de volumen en el paladar con características inflamatorias que involucraban otras zonas faciales. Después de realizar exámenes de laboratorio y radiográficos, se lleva al salón de operaciones para realizar la extracción de ambos caninos superiores retenidos en posición vertical por el paladar, enuclear el área radiolúcida visible en las radiografías y realizar examen histopatológico. El informe del departamento de Anatomía Patológica corrobora el diagnóstico presuntivo de quiste Dentígero en ambos caninos superiores. La evolución del paciente fue satisfactoria y desaparecieron los síntomas preoperatorios.

The dentigerous cyst is a quistical variety of maxillaries that requires an early diagnosis by the potentiality that it has to evolve towards a tumoral pathology and to bring about face deformity. The case of a boy of 12 years of age that goes to the maxilofacial doctor´s office, who had an increase of volume in the palate with inflammatory characteristics that involved other face zones, is presented After carring out the x-ray and laboratory exams, the extraction of both upper canines, retained on vertical position by the palate, is done in order to enuclear the visible radiolucent area in the x-rays and carry out the histopathologic examination. The report of the Department of Anatomical Pathology corroborates the presuntive diagnosis of Dentigerous cyst in both upper canines. The evolution of the patient was satisfactory and the preoperative symptoms disappeared.

Humans , Child , Dentigerous Cyst/surgery , Dentigerous Cyst/pathology